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Living in Japan as a foreigner can be an exciting and fulfilling experience. The country offers a unique blend of ancient tradition and modern technology, and there's always something new to discover. One of the most appealing aspects of living in Japan is the opportunity to explore the country in a way that many tourists miss out on. The extensive public transportation system makes it easy to get around and visit places that are off the beaten track. This means you can experience different seasons, festivals and events that are unique to each region. 

About Us:

As an evolution of ‘The Return to Japan Group’ a community set up to help people travellers in and out of Japan during the pandemic. Initially, envisioned to be a few hundred people and for a couple of months. Two and half years later, over 50,000 members and a wealth of experiences and knowledge. Information that has not only helped people travel in and out of Japan but a lot on general living, working, and travel in Japan.


The goal of this website is to make this accumulated information more accessible to those living and moving to Japan. 


Jordan & Lester


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